Accidental Death Life Insurance in Mexico
Lewis and Lewis Insurance Agency, Inc. secures Accidental Death Life Insurance coverage through Petersen International Underwriters, at Lloyd's London Coverholder, for Individuals and Groups.

Request Accidental Death Life insurance quote
To receive a quote, simply:
- Download and complete the form above.
Email or Fax the completed form to Jim Lewis.
Fax Number: (310) 207-7701 - We will review your document and provide you with a quote.
Many people do not realize the vast scope of coverage that an Accidental Death Life Insurance policy can provide in the event of death caused by extreme sports, firearms, fires, plane crashes including private piloting, traffic accidents, and more.
Covered Events
- Benefits are payable in addition to any other plan.
- Benefits are payable for loss caused by exposure to the weather or in a conveyance that results in disappearance or sinking and the body is not found within 365 days of the accident.
- Benefits will be paid on the basis of presumption of death.
- Benefits paid in a single lump sum.
- Covers accidental bodily injury sustained while the Certificate is in force and which results in loss within 365 days of the date of the accident.
- Includes losses resulting from war or acts of war and/or terrorism - (not including losses from nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons).
- NO medical examinations required.
- Application can be sent by fax or email.
- Underwriting time is one to four working days.
- Benefits may not exceed ten times the annual income unless otherwise justified.
Enjoy the peace of mind a Lewis and Lewis
Accidental Death Life insurance in Mexico policy can bring you.